Sunday, October 4, 2009

Yay Fren Bosco

Fireblossom said...
Hi fren Sharkbutt! How you teefs? Me teef outshtandink!

What you foodchick on about? Why you donut edit this for her and make it reedable. me have noe idea what it meens cept for your clarifikations. there is nuffing about PIZZA! or fitch anywear in it! Not even pengwings.

Me go chew somefink.

yor fren,


Hi Bosco! Me teef rexcellent, fanks. me glad to here yours outshstandink - that means them in you mouf but happy right? foodchik say her outstanding when her out mooing around the grill.

her carry on about somping them call meditating. me call it sitting down and hushing up and fink her should do lots more of it. when her sit still like that, her much less mooey. And me told her foodchik, me fink you fink peepul read this but onliest Bosco and him foodchik read any of our mess. so why you not make it at least rinteresting? but her simple like a crayon.

Fanks for the questions, me reppreciate it,
your fren,

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Hi fren Sharkbutt! Me hopes you teefs are good.

Me fink we cood open a skool for hoomins and call it Sharkbutt and Bosco's Proper Spelping Skool. We cood teech hoomins how to spelp things without so much moo.

My foodchick made PIZZA! the other nite, but it waz Stoffers PIZZA! and it no had enuf crust and was liddle. I barely got enny. She also made chickin the nex nite but donut gimme that eether. I think if she cood spelp better she wood not be so meen sometimes. Wat do you think?