Thursday, September 17, 2009


Me love a qwestion:

Hi Sharkbutt, How you? How you teef? Me have a question for you. What are the most important fings to know about foodchiks and fooddudes. Thanks, your friend Coco

Hi Coco, Me great fanks. me teef great too. How you teef? Hmm, most reportant fings to know about foodchiks and fooddudes. Well, if them catch fire, it very very bad and them need to put the fire out, you want to learn to make the phone go 911. If them not breathing good and turning blue, you want to learn to make the phone go 911. If the toilet overflowing, you needs to let the foodchik/dude know so them can make the water stop running. And if the big simple cats happen to find themselves in the fridge you need to get them out or get the foodchik to get them out. Hope this helps, if you have more qwestions, me love them.
your friend, Sharkbutt

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Me foodchick say she wood add dat if you on fire, donut write to post office box 911. They take weeks to respond.