Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Go, Sharkbutt! Tell dem everyfink!

Me berry sorry me tawked human-ish in my post but Mom made me do it, for the pet language impaired.

Me hope ur teefs are good!

yor fren,


Oh fren Bosco,
Me was just being funny when me was teasing you about spelping boring. If was to right in foodchik blog her would make me spell people-eeze too. It too dull and odd for me.

Me teefs good, fangs (me fink that supposed to be a joke, foodchik laffed wen me read it to her but her exkra simple today because of the bentadryl. her rellergic to fresh air but her cheep so her openked the winders. oh wait me digress.

so how you? how you teef? you sad at summer being over? me will miss the snaks, but maybe we will get some heat someday, maybe. me will not miss the ice if her ever stop sleeping wif it. me usually sleep on her kneeleg or her hip leg - where her put the ice? on her kneeleg or her hipsleg. her make me itch.

have a happy day fren bosco,
your fren,

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Hey fren Sharkbutt! Gess wut? My foodchik's baseball men beat up the Tepid Bay Rays. The aubreyhuff hit a homedrum. So me wonderink, aren't rays a kind of fitch? Cos they prolly just laying around ded, and if you know where Tepid Bay is, you cood eat them.

yor pal,
