Saturday, September 26, 2009

Oh Her so Funny!

Her just comed back from the eyeball doctor and me have to drive the reputer because her got her eyeballs dyed later. me donut no what that mean except her wear her sunnyglasses indoors. Her camed home and said good news cats we no need a dog. Me sure dogs lovely peeple but me glad we donut need one. Big puppy would be meaner and that pretty hard to remagine cuz her mean like a snake. Foodchik fink me going to help her type her blog but her no like my spelping. so we will argue about it then her will do it herselfs. her odd and her moo. and now her walking around rindoors wif her sunnyglasses on over her seeing eyeball glasses and it so mooey me laff and laff.


Fireblossom said...

Did she start singing "What'd I Say?"

Shark Butt said...

Nope, her was singing something about Me Wanna Be Sedated by the Ramones, them loud.