Tuesday, September 1, 2009

More Fings You Should No about Catz

Some of these bear repeting. Me just sayin'.

1) We donut like a whole bunch of noise our hears are very delicat, so shush up.

2) Take a breaf, take two. Our hears are sensitive but not fast so relax, breve, smelp then talk.

3) You fink you rinteresting, you not. Unless you catch fitch then maybe. Smelps are rinteresting, snaks are rinteresting, fitch are most rinteresting. You, not so mutch.

4) Smelps are rinteresting but me not talking about farts. Farts are just risgusting, and you fink them funny. But call me the ranimal. You simple, you odd and you moo.

5) We no you jealous because you not requipped to lick yourself and most of you are too risgusting to lick. No fur, that is gross. Me not being harsh me telling you how it is.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Go, Sharkbutt! Tell dem everyfink!

Me berry sorry me tawked human-ish in my post but Mom made me do it, for the pet language impaired.

Me hope ur teefs are good!

yor fren,
