Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Question from Bosco, the coolest dog ever

PS--she still on a die-it, how me get her off die-it so me can get PIZZA! again? (yesh, dats a kwestion)

Hi Bosco, how you? How you teef? How to get her off die-it? that hard, me fink if you take her for lots of long runs around and play wif her a lot so her get lots of rexercise that will help. Sometimes to get fitch me just look sad, and whimper a little bit. foodchik always fall for that. What we do when we want fitch is start reading her mail, Big Puppy get credit card offers because her get magazines and stuff. So we just use one of them to order up a side of tuna or beest. Maybe that could work wif your pizza dude and foodchik.

Good luck wif that. And foodchik say tell your foodchik good luck wif her die-it, your friend sharkbutt and her foodchik who are nuts.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

hey lil Sharkbutt! Bosco would comment himself, but he is too busy strutting around and preening after being called the coolest dog ever.

Hey, I tell him that all the time, but I'm just his Mom...he likes to hear it from a cool cat like you!


Shay, Bosco's foodchik :-)