Sunday, September 28, 2008

Food chik ranting and ravin

Someone named Dirt, wait her said him name is Clay, camed out of the closet and her want to no why this is news? Why it ever news? Me wake up, and come out of the closet everyday, sometime a couple a times. Me no hear foodchik snorp in there, and it not usually care, but me digress. Why do anyone care? Why do anyone not already figgered it out? Did him not sing show tunes? Hello! Her rant and rave about these defending marriage noise people too. Me fink her on to somping, defending marriage from what? the 50% divorce rate? maybe if them'd leave the gays people alone the closet cases wouldn't get married and then have very public divorces like here wif that governor dude and him beard. Why worry about gays and not that exgovernor dude from NY and him ho's? It seem to me that peeple make a whole lot of noises about this stuff so them can pretend them no hear what really going on. You want to really see some action on defending marriage? start talking about making it illegal for everybody, cuz them talking about it being a religical thing. ok, separate your churchy and state stuff and make them tax benefits go away. And if people cannot collect on spousy social security, that should save some money like them always hollerin' about.

And me and Bosco and Queen Molly and the big cats should take over the earth.


Fireblossom said...

Dude!!!!!!!! Fink how mushness PIZZA! and fitch there mush be in the whole erth!

Um...wut ish marridge, ennyways? Ish it like margarine? Or porridge? And who ish attacking it?? Bears? Goldilox? Me all cornfused again.

My foodchik say she ish kinda sooprised that claude aiken comed out of the closet. She rememba him from old Twilight Zones n stuff.

If claude aiken ish homeless-sexual, then me donut fink my foodchik can be, cos she always lookink at tv and fallink off the couch saying "what a woman!" So, I dun fink she likes boys, except ME!

yor frend,


Fireblossom said...

P.S.--Bosco forgot to say that I like you, too, lil cutie Sharkbutt!

--Shay Bosco's Foodchik

JAXTER said...

Sharkbutt!!! Wow, long time no talk - sorry, been hibernating, but not in the closet. I didn't know Clay came out of the closet - I am so not up on the news (is this news?) what with the world coming to an end and all...

Shark Butt said...

Jaxter! Hi, how you? How you teef? Foodchik hibernate too, but not in the closet, her large, it not big enough for her. With that Clay out the closet fing, I donut no how it news. To me, it like duh, unless you a girl and somehow like him and not no him gay, then me fink that girl would have to be headless to not no him gay. Me donut fink it news, but me much more concerned wif marine fitcheries and stuff.