Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Me and Foodchik

we had a chat about her being away, her said Sharkbutt me would never go to Jupiter wifout you, you are my trusted translator of the Jupiterian and me cannot remagine making that big long trip wifout you. Me did not fink you would like Aridzona because it hot and dry and stuff and you would have to be in the car and the rareplane and stuff. Me did fink you would be happier here at home wif the big cats and substitute foodchiks. (ok, me paraphrase but because her a good foodchik me trying to make her sound smartness) And her are smartness, but her are odd too. Her not really a cow, me used to say that to try and make her mad but Puppy telled me, her fink it cute and it no make her mad. Puppy fink I'm silliness, because her telled me this. Her kinda mean, not nice like foodchik.


Fireblossom said...

My foodchik cant stand to be away frum me, she starts whining and howling and tries to nock down the baby gate so she can get to me. Me tried putting a ticking clock next to her but that dun help, so I guess me just can nut go on enny long trips.

yor friend,


Shark Butt said...

I tried ticking clock thing for foodchik onst when big Stripey were in the horsepistol. Her still whined.