Monday, August 4, 2008


Foodchik got a massage, which besides meaning her can stop whining about her arm, it mean her smelp like massage grease and even better her tasty like it too, Her going to take a nap soon and me going to lick grease! Yay!


Fireblossom said...

Hi Homes, how u teef?

My foodchik puts goo on her face and hands and I always try to lick it all off. She call it her "beauty regimen" me call it bedtime snack!

yor frend,


Shark Butt said...

Hey there Homeslice,
How you? Me teef great fanks. Foodchik grease herself up to. The face grease at night tastys like oranges me hate oranges.
Now if it tastyd like meet me would like it. have a happy day your friend, sharkbutt