Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Question, Me love Questions.

Hello Sharkbutt, dis is Queen Molly, Bosco's big sister and Shay the Foodchick's #1 girl. me got kwestion wen you get chance.

Evry nite, Foodchick's huge butt takes up at least a quarter of the bed. Isnt it cleer that i need at least mostly all of it? I am the Queen, after all. Bosco can stay, I know you and him tight. But how me get Foodchik to scootch her big hoomin butt over to, like, the edge?

Fank you in advanse.

Molly, resident Queen

Hi Queen Molly,
How you? How you teef? How you foodchik? How you foodchik teef? I fink you getting a pretty good deal if you foodchik only taking up a quarter of the bed. But if you want her to move her butt, get you a drink of water (even better get a drink of her icy cold drink, keep your tongue really wet and cold if you get ice cubies in you water, then lick you foodchik butt. her will move like it on fire. this work really good on me foodchik and her butt are big like Jupiter where her queen of.
have a happy night,
your friend sharkbutt


Fireblossom said...

Hi Sharkbutt! Itsh me, Bosco! How you teef? Me teef great.

Ebery nite, me jump up on da bed wif Foodchik, rite up nex to her just like I done since me was an eeny little puppy the firsht nite she buyed me and brung me home wif her.

Molly got to go down at da foot of da bed. She Queen, but me Foodchik's favorite! Hahahahaha!

Yor frend,


Shark Butt said...

Hi Bosco, Me glad you teef are great. Me teef great too.

Me didn't sleep wif food chik until me was big. Her had me sleep in the baff room so me not get losteded or ate by the big cats. Sometimes me sleep on her head or her chest. Have a happy day, yor frien sharkbutt