Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Question from Foodchik

Sharkbutt, Why do you lick my head so much? Is it because you're a catlet? Thanks, foodchick.

Deer foodchik, wow, we desperados for questions now or what? Me lick your head for very simple reasons, one is that you head is salty and two is that you put avocado tasty fings in it. Me like that. You like avocado, why you sooprised me do? Me have a question for you, why you feet so big? Fanks, your friend Sharkbutt.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Hello Sharkbutt, dis is Queen Molly, Bosco's big sister and Shay the Foodchick's #1 girl. me got kwestion wen you get chance.

Evry nite, Foodchick's huge butt takes up at least a quarter of the bed. Isnt it cleer that i need at least mostly all of it? I am the Queen, after all. Bosco can stay, I know you and him tight. But how me get Foodchik to scootch her big hoomin butt over to, like, the edge?

Fank you in advanse.

Molly, resident Queen