Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Question from Shay Bosco's Foodchik

to sheena and sharkbutt, ok, sharkbutt and sheena.

Guess what? I am the featured Poet of the Week on Poets Who Blog! Pretty cool, huh? I hadn't even known, until someone commenting at Word Garden mentioned it. STRUT PREEN.

May I ask your cat a question, please? He does seem to enjoy them. Here is mine: Where does tuna fish come from? Are there little round cans swimming around in the sea?


Shay, off to the salt mine

Hi Shay Bosco's Foodchik,
how you? how you teef? Me like you question very mutch, and when me was a baby cat me finked that tunee fitch swam around in cans out in the sea but then Puppy used her credit card to get us a side of tunee (this are half a tunee fitch that someone catched in a boat), foodchik said it was 70 lbs and it were nekkid, without any can around it, foodchik said fank god it were cryovacked. So me fink that maybe there no can on it when it swimming you know if half of one is 70 lbs, that would be one big ol' can.
That are a happy fing about you being featured poemtry chik. You very versatile, foodchik and a poemtry that very good.
fanks for asking me questions, me love to answer them.
have a happy day your friend, sharkbutt


Fireblossom said...

Thanks, Sharkbutt!

Now if tunas could only be persuaded to coat themselves in mayonaisse and to lay down between two nice slices of pumpernickel bread!

Shark Butt said...

You welcome ShayBoscosFoodchik. me fink there is such a fing as a fitch whisperer that could help with that mayonaisse coating and stuff. have a happy day, your friend sharkbutt