Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Foodchik made me spell it like that. Her also making me write eleventeen fings me grateful for for Fangsgiving.

2)coffee for foodchik. her not really work right wifout it.
3)Fitch. It makes my mouf smile wif happiness.
4)Big Puppy - even though her mean like a snake, her give good advice and her understand foodchik in ways I donut.
5) Heat - me grateful for it even though we donut get it much.
6) Toys - we have a lot of them. Foodchik good that way.
7) Big Stripey - him fun to play wif when him not having a mood.
8) No ice in the bed. It don't happen that much when it does, me very grateful.
9) Foodchik sweatpants - them like a batcave for cats.
10) Nip
11) Food. Me like it.

What you grateful for?


Fireblossom said...

Hi Sharkbutt! Itsh me, Bosco! How you teef?

Me grateful for busybones, and for stuff foodchick cooks but can't finish and me gets the rest! Me respecially fankful for PIZZA! And me grateful for me fren Sharkbutt!!!

yor fren


Fireblossom said...

Deer Sharkbutt,

Me haff kestion. Sometimez my foodchick puts me in her carrier, which is a big green thing she calls a car, and just wen me think we going to PIZZA parlor, we go to torcher docter instead. Why she take me to torcher docter? Me think cos she likes the one torcher docter and the pretty assistants, but she say dat not mane reezon. She say iz to keep me helthy, but me was helthy before we leff home. Why she do dat?

yor fren,
