Monday, November 2, 2009

Hi Fren Bosco

Hi fren Sharkbutt! Itsh me, Bosco! How you teef?

Dis sound like some sort of mooful pagan ritual. is der flyink monkeys or that? me hopes you gets some heet. maybe the pagan stuff will start somefing expendable on fire.

yor pal,


Hi fren Bosco, me love questions. Me teef great fangs, how you teef?

Me donut no if it some sort of mooful pagan ritual, it mooey. Me donut no if them are flying monkeys or not, do you fink flying monkeys moo? The pagans might set sumping on fire, actually her mooey largeness might set sumping on fire because her not right in her head. and her do these hot flashy fings sometimes which make for some heat in the houst if you right up on her mooey self. but that donut last long.

Foodchik kinda from hell!

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Lil cutie Sharkbutt, what kind of way is that to talk about the gal who takes care of you and sings to you and feeds you? It's just not right, do you think? (And yet, I'm so laffin, lol)