Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Happy Spring to you, me know it not for a couple of daze yet but tomorrow is the last day of winter so that's spring enough for me. You no why them call it spring? because all the snacks are outside springing about waiting to land in my mouf.

Me have a joke for you -

What Irish and come out in Spring time?

Patio Furniture.

Me liked it, foodchik telled me it. It not as funny as her think it was but her kinda slow.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Hi Sharkbutt! itsh me, Bosco! How u? How u teef? me teef gud!

me foodchick eated corn beef. she say it cos ya haff to on st patrix day. i got some! it were gud but not like PIZZA! ish gud.