Thursday, March 26, 2009

From Fren Bosco!!!

Hi Sharkbutt! Itsh me, Bosco! How yu teefs?

We all like baseballs, too! Foodchick hate the Minnysoda Twins, cos our team play dem like 50,000 times a week and they boring! They play inside a trash bag without even any PIZZA! inside, and the whole team is just a firs baseman, a cacher, and 23 middle indfielders named hay-soos. They stoopid

Hi Fren Bosco,
how you? How you teef? Foodchik are xtry odd tonight, her maked beans that were fryd and fryd again me fink them smelped tasty and me want to tasty them. And her said CATS! No tasty my beanages, the farts will blow up our houst. Her so greedy, her no share beanys. Like her farts won't blow yup the houst.

Baseballs is great, it nice if you wanna nap, and it nice if you no wanna nap. Them Minnysodas sound odd to be playing in a trash bag. Me chew on trash bags. Foodchik fink me odd, but them tasty.

have a happy day,
your friend


Fireblossom said...

We play the White Sux a lot too. They are like the Red Sux but diffrent.

Shark Butt said...

Me have white sux to play wif too. Food chik put nip in them. Me love nip.