Saturday, January 5, 2008

Question for Sharkbutt

Dear Sharkbutt,
Hi, how you? How are your teeth? Can cats eat people food? Is there any people food that is bad for them?


Deer Cruella, Hi, me good, fanks for asking. Cats can eat some people food, we no like a lot of it. If you going to try and serve some lemon butter sauce we gonna run, citrus not a big hit with cats. People tunee fitch while relicious is bad for cats. Too much of something that can really mess us up. Me and the big cats like blueberry muffins, yogurt, milk (real, not soy and we don't get any but soy here) and fitch. The big cats also like peanut butter sometimes, but me don't.

Hope that help,
your friend,

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