Tuesday, January 17, 2012

From Fren Evelyn


How you teefery?

I think houses are cat gates.

What do you and the other cats think about this Occupy stuffies?

Happery Hollerdaysery!


Hi Evelyn,
Hi, how you? How you teef? my teefness would be better if food chik not change all the passwords on the reputer from FART to somping else.

I asked the big cats about this Occupy stuff, them say little cat if you don't unoccupy my spot on the couch I will step on your head. Them mean like snakes because heat is against food chik religion. Her odd and her moo!

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

Those big cats!
such poops.
Thank you for answering my questions...
was the new password poop?