Friday, December 30, 2011

Fings cats donut really worry about

"Me bark at them til they leave or I get baby gated."
I hate getting baby gated.

To cats baby gates are like hurdles, you know, like the couch, or the foodchik, I donut fink I would like it if I were stuck behind one.

Me Love Questions!

Happee Hollerdays, then, fren Sharkbutt. How u teef? Me teef good.

Hey...what is figgy pooding? Is it like PIZZA! ? Or fitch?

Hi fren Bosco,
Me teef great, fangs. How you? How you food chik? To me figgy pudding looks like wet shiny mulch but me not sure what it tasty like. Sometimes me pretend me a bug and say I'm tastying fings with my feets.

Have a happy day, your friend, Sharkbutt

Oh foodchik, foodchik, foodchik

Me understand that people not so much wif catching their food on the hoof and then eeting it raw. But foodchik so bad at cooking or as her call it "burning stuff" it very scary. Burnt takes all the taste out of it which is risgusting. Me want to tell her, foodchik, sit down somewhere and let me cook. But me a cat, have no thumbs and cannot really reach at a distance that would keep me from getting scorched.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Hollerdays

me call them Happy Hollerdays, because it's the day that foodchik no holler at us.

Sometimes I hides

foodchik has frenz and some of them frenz are kid people, when they come me practice to join the CIA and be a spy. Me like kids they much more interesting than the old slow ones, but them make sudden moves and me startle easy and foodchik say even though them move fast like snacks them not snaks and me not allowed to chase them down. So Medicine chik bringed her kids to visick and them hung out with big Stripey and Puppy D, them seem very nice, Lego dude and Moustache girl. Me were happy to see them but me needed a rest.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Me love questions

Dear Sharkbutt, how you? how you teef? I have a question for you. Why do cats hork so much? thanks, your friend Molleek.

Hi Molleek, HOw you? How you teef? me great, me teef great, fangs. Why cats hork so mutch is a rinteresting question. Some cats, like Puppy the Orange hork because they mean like a snake. Other cats like Stripee the Massive horks because it gives him something to do between watching tv and trying to lick him own head. Mostly cats horks so mutch because we groom ourselves by licking, and fur sticks to our tongues and we eat it, but it not high in fiber so it don't move or digest so much, so it's gotta come up. oh and also, because foodchiks and fooddudes shoes get lonely when them not home and a little hork makes them nice.

Have a happy day,
your friend,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Perhaps Me Have Mentioned

that foodchik shoots our medicine up her noses and into her hears. So we have a medicine chik now. Her very good at petting and giving Puppy medicine, her a hot festival of skin mess. Puppy not the medicine chik.

Me love questions


what does fitch poo smell like?


EVELYN, Hi friend, this great question, and me seent it so long ago me almost forget the answer when foodchik brake the reputer. Her a cow and her moo. Fish poo smelp like water, it taste like water too.

how you? how you teef?

have a happy day,
your fiend,


where were we? foodchik break the reputer...again!
Dude came to fix, then other dude came to fix, then her uploading pictures and her run her mouf. So that where we at. Today is winter solstice, which means the least sunlighty day of the year. And it rained all day so not a lot of sunlight which makes foodchik cranky and every body cranky when foodchik cranky.