Saturday, July 4, 2009

me love kwestions respecially from fren bosco

me noes, wen they gots good point, it are annoyingness.

me have nebber been to where fitch stay before they are dinner. is it like a big can or somfink?

me foodschick are in lub again, this time wif lady who squish peeple with her hands. duzent your foodchick squish peeple with her hands, too?

me hopes you teef is goot and dat you is good. me teefs are much the goodness too.

yor frend,


hi fren how you? how you teef?
fitch live in the water before them live in the cans, where foodchik go is usually salty water where your tunee fitch live, sumtimes her go to the fretch water where the salmons and stuff live.

that gud you foodchik in lub again, my foodchik do sometimes squish peeples wif her hands, and mostly her a evil minion. and a cow and her moo.

do you like these fireworks fings? me no like them loudness but the lights are pretty.

have a happy day, your fren sharkbutt

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Me no be liking firedworks! They loud as bombs and they make me scared. My foodchick got to pet me and tawk to me and tell me is all right.

Me hope you havink wunderfulness of 4th of July and that no firedworks loud as bombs skare you.

yor pal,
