Sunday, June 21, 2009

Me Back

Me could say the usually stuff about foodchik odd and her moo. But me are so mad at her me could spit, her was at the place where fitch live so many times and her no bringed me any. No fitch, none, not even from a can. Me ast her why her so mean and mooeey that her no bring homed any fitch, and her said, me donut no how to catch them, me can barely catch you when it time to go to see ant doctor kelly, so why you fink me smark enuf to catch you a fitch?

Her make a good point, that why me mad.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

me noes, wen they gots good point, it are annoyingness.

me have nebber been to where fitch stay before they are dinner. is it like a big can or somfink?

me foodschick are in lub again, this time wif lady who squish peeple with her hands. duzent your foodchick squish peeple with her hands, too?

me hopes you teef is goot and dat you is good. me teefs are much the goodness too.

yor frend,
