Monday, April 13, 2009

Bosco, you are brillyink

Hi Sharkbutt, how u teefs? My teefs gud!

It donut moo cos they heads fall off when they get cooked. No head, no moo.

Me fink eberyone shood have PIZZA! for beaster.

yor frend,


Hi Bosco, me teef great fanks, me glad yours is good too.

i should have noed you would no about why the cow no moo when it get cooked, no head no moo, no head no hears so them no can hear you sneakup on them to cook them.

Me regree eberyone should have pizza for beaster but then we can call it pizzster. what you fink? me fink pizza so relicious it deserve it own hollerday, like fitch.
have a happy day,
your friend,

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

YESH! Me regree about all of dat!