Saturday, April 26, 2008


Deer Sharkbutt, Hi, how are you? How are your teeth? I love my foodchik dearly but she doesn't seem to be the sharpest crayon in the box. How can I help her not get hurt from doing dumb stuff?
Thanks, your friend, Tank

Deer Tank, Hi, how you? Me good,fanks. Me teef good too. Me not too familiar wif crayons but me familiar wif dumb. Mostly what you can do is make sure her no play wif fire too mutch, and make sure her wear shoes and her glasses. That what me do. It no always work but we try. Sometimes what work for me is sitting down, licking her head and talking to her nice and calm (which is hard when them scare you bad) me say foodchik, you no should do fings wif fire if you no feel smart today. What you fink? and her will say, sharkbutt, you know you right but me didn't no me was not feeling smart until after me did somping dumb. (note from foodchik, he and I argue about the pronouns all the time, on his blog he uses his pronouns. note from sharkbutt, we rescussed this, let it go)

Hope this helps,
have a happy day,

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