Sunday, April 1, 2012


This is the time of year people who talks about weather and times of year call Spring. Some of them say that it because things are growing and springing out of the ground, get it? Me neither. Me say, and me know this becuase me watch out the window, that Spring is the time when snacks, have baby snacks. Bunnies, mouses, and boids - filthy disgusting boids, have more of them. And them are so short that them have to spring up out the grass to see fings. Fings like me stalking them for my snacking pleasure. Them don't have to spring up to see big stripey stalking them because he are renormous and it sounds like Godzilla taking Tokyo when him stomp around.

1 comment:

Dori said...

The boids and the rabbits like to eat our plants so they are very annoying to us. Bad Boids! Bad wabbits! They are audacious and bold, so we need a vicious killer kitty to come and scare them away. We have a kitty, but she is neither vicious nor a killer. Someone took her front claws ( awww :( ) Maybe you could give her some advice about how to catch snacks wif yo teef?