Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Me love questions

How you teef?
Today my daughter asked a very good cat question.
How do cats pick their noses?
I dont know what inspired this question. No one in this house certainly ever picks their nose.
Nope. Never.


Hi fren Evelyn,
How you? How you teef? My teef great fangs.
Your daughter is very smart and asks good questions.
Cats donut pick their noses mutch but when them do, they use they tongue because claws too sharp and teef donut reach.
Have a happy day, your fren,

PS: FAngs very mutch for asking me questions. I love questions.


Evelyn said...

Thanks for answering my question.
Hmmm. So cats have very flippy tongues then!
Come to think of it, I dont know if I've ever seen a cat booger.
Maybe they dont exist. Like Big Foot or the Lochness Monster.


Evelyn said...

oh, and I mean my DAUGHTER'S question.
I am an adult and I dont care about such things, like poop or mythical boogers.

Thanks Again
