Monday, July 4, 2011

Oh Fresh Hell

Her is trying to be vegetable-arian again, here's how this will go. Her will be vegetable-arian for a day, maybe 2 then her will get tired of all the farting and her will finally get tired of blaming Big Stripey for all the farts. And me will sit on her head and whisper in her hears about cheeseburgers and by Thursday this nonsense will stop again. Now if we could only get her to be a fishatarian.

Happy 4th of July. Shoot your fireworks somewhere else.


Fireblossom said...

Me hates fiberworks. me would also hate it if my foodchick bcame a vegtabeltarian. But she never do. She likes meatismurder almost as much as me!

Shark Butt said...

Hi fren Bosco, how you? How your teef? Me hates fiberworks too, they are louder than foodchik snorping and thats a lot of loud.
have a happy day, your friend, sharkbutt