Saturday, February 20, 2010

Should Not Be Surprised

Foodchik not so good with the cooking. The other day her was making some lunch in the oven and fings got smokey, very smokey and the relarms went off. And when the relarms go off somebody (not me) poo'd on the rug. Then the police come, and some firedudes, then some firedudes wif the truck. The fire was out but them opened lots of windows to let the smoke out and the cold in. Her are a hot mess of mooey. Everybody ok, but her a simple one.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Hi fren Sharkbutt! How you teef? me teef the goodness, fank you.

Me foodchick want to ask if there was any firechicks. She seem to fink dis a big intershtink thing. I hope she dun start no fire just to attrack firechicks.