Sunday, December 9, 2007


Dear Sharkbutt,
Hi, how you? How are your teeth? I have not ever lived with a cat before. Can you tell me how to make a kitten comfortable in his new home? And can you tell me how to pick a good name for the kitten?

Deer Petunia,
Hi, how you? me good fanks, and so are me teef. You are in for a treat wif having a new catlet to come to your house. Me answer your last question first. Foodchik always say no name your cat until you meet him or her. (her say this about kids too, but you kinda limited with kind of names you would give a kid) So you meet the cat and you talk nice to them. And something will come to you. If in doubt about what to name your cat something to do with fitch is always a good choice.

How to make the cat comfortable? First of all, use the heat in the house. No need to be shy about it. Kittens and cats like it warm. Then you want to have a water dish because we like that. And a food dish because we've gotta eat. And a litter box because the food and water after to go somewhere. That is the basics. When you first get a new cat, it good to keep him in a room by himself for a couple of days wif him litter box and water and food (at 2 different ends of the room) But visit him a lot, talk nice to him and pet him lots. Not a good idea to pick him up, most cats no like that too much. After a few days, then you can let them have the run of the house. Talk to your cat every day, and give them pets every day. Playing wif them is fun too. If them a kitten them gonna go for your toes.

If you have any questions, ask again. Me and foodchik are happy to help.
Have a happy day,

PS - if me had a kitten me would name it Tunee the Fitch

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