Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dear Sharkbutt,
Me have a question? When your big Stripey was sick how did you food chik know it?
Tank Foodchik

Dear Tank,
Hi, how you? Me good.
Me asked food chick how her knowed him was sick. Her knowed cuz her couldn't find him. Usually, if him are not sitting on her, him near her, near enough to see him. And if him not, her will holler CATS! And him wil run and see what her want. So her comed home and yelled cats and him no come. And her put food out and him no come. So her went looking for him and him were making noises like him hurt so her throwed him in the crate to take him to the cat vet. So that how her know.

Another thing to watch out for is if him no eat. Or if him throw up alot.

Hope that help you,
have a happy day,
your friend,

1 comment:

Shark Butt said...

Note from Sharkbutt:

If you foodchik throw up a lot too, them are sick. Same if them sneeze much.